Our passion

A narrative is formed by text. Text is formed by phrases, phrases by words, and words by letters ‎‎[technically, we skip a few levels, not to bore you]. Woordvorm transliterates characters ‎from one ‘alphabet’ to another, for example from the Arabic alphabet to our Latin-based alphabet. ‎We translate words and phrases from one language to another, but word-for-word translating is ‎not enough to convey a narrative in another language. To be able to tell the story, one must ‎understand the story, fathom the syntax, recognize the word forms and know the writing system. ‎That requires a combination of thorough knowledge of the language, sharp linguistic insight, a ‎cultured feeling for the language under study, and an accurate eye.‎

The stories

Being able to tell or translate a story into another language requires even more: one must ‎feel at home in the language and its stories. To translate is to love the language, ‎to caress the words and sounds, and to want to tell its stories. In that regard, Peter and Roy share ‎both passion and background: they both studied Arabic [among others] and spent long periods of ‎time in the Arab world. During their Linguistics studies, they have deepened and widened their ‎understanding of the functioning of the language, knowledge that is useful for translating, editing ‎as well as programming. They strive to optimally employ their knowledge of and love for language in their products and services.‎

More than text

A publication requires more than solid content and correct language in order to be successful: ‎appearances matter. A page must look neat and orderly. A book should be easily accessible by ‎means of a natural and logical layout, an organized table of contents, and a good index. Images, ‎such as photographs, maps or illustrations, can be a vital part of a study, collection, or research ‎proposal. In our view, a publication is not finished until these visual elements are decently ‎implemented as well; Woordvorm has the proper tools and know-how for this. We have ample ‎experience in the realization of academic publications, and thereby developed a good insight ‎in the optimal organization of a text and the tools that make it accessible, such as a ‎table of contents, footnotes, a bibliography, and an index. In our work we use the acclaimed ‎desktop publishing [DTP] software InDesign from Adobe, amongst others. For the graphical parts of ‎your publication, we use professional camera and scanning equipment and again rely on the ‎indispensable software from Adobe, like Illustrator and Photoshop.

With all this know-how, ‎experience, and love for language and layout, we are convinced that we ‎can be of valuable service to you and your publication. How can we help you?‎ Please contact us for more information, we are at your service!